
Membership in the College

Total Number of Members in Good Standing

A bar chart showing the total number of members in good standing. Long description follows.

"X" is a third gender identifier for use by people identifying at Trans, Non-Binary, Two Spirited or Binary, as well as anyone who chooses not to display their gender identity.

In 2009, 163,721 female members and 60,763 male members. Grand total: 224,484.

In 2010, 168,293 female members and 61,829 male members. Grand total: 230,122.

In 2011, 171,641 female members and 62,775 male members. Grand total: 234,416.

In 2012, 174,094 female members and 63,155 male members. Grand total: 237,249.

In 2013, 175,184 female members and 63,017 male members. Grand total: 238,201.

In 2014, 176,397 female members and 62,959 male members. Grand total: 239,356.

In 2015, 179,531 female members and 63,673 male members. Grand total: 243,204.

In 2016, 176,346 female members and 61,797 male members. Grand total: 238,143.

In 2017, 175,019 female members, 60,683 male members and 3 X. Grand total: 235,705.

In 2018, 174,017 female members, 59,730 male members and 40 X. Grand total: 233,787.

Individuals Appearing on the Public Register

A bar chart showing the number of individuals appearing on the public register. Long description follows.

In 2009, 399,863 English and 19,460 French.

In 2010, 411,610 English and 20,226 French.

In 2011, 420,557 English and 21,006 French.

In 2012, 429,122 English and 21,763 French.

In 2013, 436,981 English and 22,437 French.

In 2014, 444,502 English and 23,070 French.

In 2015, 454,163 English and 23,875 French.

In 2016, 455,598 English and 23,974 French.

In 2017, 459,145 English and 24,354 French.

In 2018, 461,699 English and 24,751 French.

Geographic Distribution of Members

A map showing the geographic distribution of members in Ontario. Long description follows.

Southcentral Ontario: 81,938.

Central Ontario: 69,901.

Southwest Ontario: 30,100.

Southeast Ontario: 29,028.

Northwest Ontario: 8,083.

Northeast Ontario: 6,401.

Total: 225,511

Where Members are Employed (Based on Fee Payment Information) 

A pie chart showing where members are employed, based on fee payment information. Long description follows.

English Public Boards: 96,020.

Member Paid for Self: 84,859

English Catholic Boards: 40,494.

French Catholic Boards: 6,540.

Independent Schools: 2,803.

French Public Boards: 2,768.

Other Education Organizations: 303.

Grand Total: 233,787.