
Statement of Cash Flows

(In thousands of dollars)
Year ended December 31, 2018, with comparative information for 2017

2018 2017
Cash provided by (used in):    
Operating activities:    
Excess (deficiency) of revenue over expenditures (346) 700
Amortization which does not involve cash  2,217  2,329
Change in non-cash operating working capital:    
Accounts receivable  43  89
Deposits and prepaid expenses  (17)  77
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities  (608)  142
Deferred revenue  112  16
Deferred salaries  265  239

 1,666  3,592
Financing activities:    
Repayment of mortgage principal  (719)  (679)
Investing activities:    
Purchases of investments  (8,080) (9,568)
Proceeds from redemption of investments  6,573  10,000
Purchase of capital assets (1,791)
Increase (decrease) in cash  (2,351)  1,704
Cash, beginning of year  6,067  4,363
Cash, end of year 3,716 6,067

See accompanying notes to financial statements.