Accreditation Appeal Committee
The Accreditation Appeal Committee is established under Regulation 347/02, Accreditation of Teacher Education Programs. The committee considers appeals from teacher education providers whose programs have been denied accreditation or awarded accreditation with conditions. The appeal process ensures that pre-service programs and in-service courses are accredited fairly by allowing appellants to present new information and request to have the decision reviewed.
In 2018, new Council members were appointed to the committee. At its orientation meeting, committee members participated in training sessions regarding issues that affect the accreditation appeal process, including the committee’s mandate and processes, the legislative framework, the principles for accreditation and decision writing.
There were no appeals received by the committee in 2018.
Accreditation Appeal
To June 30, 2018:
- Godwin Ifedi (a)
- Marlène Marwah (a) (from May 10, 2018)
- Brigitte (Bidal) Piquette, OCT (e)
- Jennifer Stewart, OCT (e) (to February 6, 2018)
- Stéphane Vallée, OCT (e)
From July 1, 2018:
- Charles Dimitry Abraham, OCT (e)
- Melissa Gaffen, OCT (e)
- Alicia Nunn, OCT (e) (Chair)
- Bill Petrie (a)
- Jonathan Rose (a) (Vice-Chair)
(a) = appointed
(e) = elected